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Make Your Worrier a Warrior:
A Guide to Conquering Your Child’s Fears

(for parents)

by Dan Peters, Ph.D.

With this book, parents can team up with their children or teens to help them do the most courageous thing they will ever have to do: conquer their Worry Monster. Make Your Worrier a Warrior provides useful and comforting methods that parents can use to help their children create an anxiety-reducing “toolbox” to carry with them wherever they go. In building this foundation for their children, parents will find that these strategies will work just as effectively to manage their own anxieties.

Be sure to check out From Worrier to Warrior, which is the companion book for children, tweens, and teens.

Length: 200 Pages
ISBN 13 digit: 978-1-935067-23-8
Price: $16.95 / Paperback
Published by 
Gifted Unlimited LLC

Buy your copy of Make Your Worrier a Warrior: A Guide to Conquering Your Child’s Fears at:


From Worrier to Warrior