How To Raise A Girl With A Healthy Body Image with Jen Lumanlan

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Dr. Dan welcomes fellow parent and podcaster Jen Lumanlan to the show today.  Jen is the founder/host of the successful Your Parenting Mojo Podcast and website.  Jen’s mission is to raising healthy (and happy) girls and her personal journey will inspire listeners.

Jen Lumanlan is the parent of a 3 ½-year-old daughter, and her podcast is a reference guide for parents of toddlers and preschoolers based on scientific research and the principles of respectful parenting.  She never planned to be a parent but is on this journey (by choice rather than by accident) and when she realized she had no parenting instinct whatsoever she decided to get a Master’s in Psychology so she could figure out “how to do this parenting thing”!  She’s now finishing up another Master’s in Education, and she plans to help parents think through how child development intersects with education.

Dr. Dan invited Jen to be a guest today to discuss the critical topic of girls and body image.  Their discussion is based on research and recent studies.  Dr. Dan leads the discussion with these provocative talking points:

  1. Girls’ and body image

  2. What language is best to use with our girls?

  3. The words pretty and ugly (and fat and skinny)

  4. What is and how does the current research on how girls (and women) think about their bodies; and why it should change how parents deal with this topic

  5. Self–compassion

Jen’s Parent Footprint Moment is about how she discovered that the concept of respect has been the most important key (along with love) to raising her own daughter successfully.


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