Creating An Environment Of Well Being with Dr. Paula Wilkes

In today’s episode, Dr. Dan welcomes Summit Center colleague Dr. Paula Wilkes to discuss how to create well being for ourselves and our families.  Dr. Dan and Dr. Wilkes discuss how we can help all children discover their true nature and find their inner peace. This episode also devotes time to the particular challenges of gifted and spiritually sensitive children.

Dr. Wilkes lives by deliberately making mindfulness and well being her daily goals as a result of her own personal journey with stress and pain.   Her “morning workout” is easy to follow and transformative. She explains that by modeling wellness to our children they will begin to learn about the mind and body connection.

During the interview listeners will hear how we can all create calm and peace in our lives: by not rushing, by listening to calm music, by practicing meditation, by finding on-the-go mindful moments and much more.

Dr. Wilkes defines mindfulness as being in the moment as life is happening.  And for our children because regulation and environment contribute to well being then as parents and educators we need to teach our children to practice self-kindness, self-awareness, and self-love so that they can learn to nourish a feeling of peace in themselves.

In one of the most memorable Parent Footprint moments, Paula beautifully recounts to Dr. Dan how her own lifelong evolution of self-awareness and well being profoundly influenced her own daughter’s career and life choices when she became a mother.  Paula’s journey benefited her adult daughter in immeasurable ways.

Today’s episode proves how important the core value of Parent Footprint is:  that we must take good care of ourselves so that we can take good care of our children and grandchildren.

Paula Wilkes, Ph.D has worked in gifted education for more than 35 years as a public school teacher, a university professor, and a gifted consultant. Dr. Wilkes provides cognitive coaching, counseling, and consultation for children and their parents on gifted and “twice-exceptional” issues (including sensitivity and intensity). In addition, she is a coach for gifted and twice-exceptional adults who may be struggling with issues related to misdiagnosis, multi-potentiality, anxiety, work and/or relationship challenges, and a desire to make a stronger connection to their spiritual sensitivity. Dr. Wilkes is a mother and grandmother who focuses her attention on creating calm, loving environments for herself, her family, and her clients. She is available for face-to-face consultations in Los Angeles, and by Skype, with experience working with international clients. You can learn more about her at CoachingTheGifted.Net.


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