Children and Screens: How to Help Children Lead Healthy Lives in a Digital World with Dr. Pamela Hurst-Della Pietra

Dr. Dan welcomes Dr. Pamela Hurst-Della Pietra, founder of Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development, to discuss one of the most important modern parenting topics today: children and screens. Today’s discussion about technology, parenting, children, and health is timely, relevant, and crucial for all families to hear.

Children and Screens was founded in 2013 by Dr. Hurst-Della Pietra because she wanted to better understand the cognitive and long-term impacts of frequent technology use among her own children.

Today, Children and Screens is an active non-profit organization addressing three central questions which Dr. Dan and Dr. Pam also discuss briefly today:

  1. How is digital media enhancing or impairing children’s ability to live happy, healthy, and productive lives?

  2. How are years of electronically mediated interactions shaping children’s physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development?

  3. What should we do about all of the above? 

Dr. Dan and Dr. Pam touch on many digital topics including: screen use, age, violent games, digital addiction, and how her Parent Footprint moment changed her life.

Dr. Dan, Dr. Pam and Children and Screens urge parents to consider:
• Social media’s impact on mental health.
• When to introduce digital devices to your child.
• The problem of digital addiction.
• Digital media’s impact on physical health.
• Role-modeling healthy media use.
• How technology interferes with sleep.
• Video game content and age appropriateness.
• Children’s online privacy.
• Cell phones in schools.
• Cyberbullying.

For more information about Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development visit


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